Sometimes I prefer to wait for the correct moment to say or do something... But suddenly something not desired happens and then the result is not what I wanted.
Before, I used to notice all I don't have and I dreamed about how my life was if I could have them. But NOW, I'm taking another way, I'm talking about gratitude practice.. If only I focus my attention in my everyday blessings and more specially, if I could notice what I have, I could realize that I'm very rich, because God always has given me what I need. Every single day of my life I have been blessed so much.
I don't have to wait any more for things I would like to have... Blessing will come and the only who know when, how and if it's possible is God.
Thank Thee Heavenly Fathe for my life, my family, my siblings, my friends, my health... Please, help me to enjoy my life as it is.